Data Quality
30 Million Businesses & Executives
AtoZdatabases achieves comprehensive coverage on 30 million U.S. business listings compiled from sources such as:
- Annual reports
- SEC filings
- Corporate registers
- Public records
- National directory assistance data
- Thousands of yellow and white page directories
- Business Directories
220 Million U.S. Residents
AtoZdatabases 220 million residential listings are compiled from data sources including:
- National directory assistance data
- Real estate deed and tax information
- Voter registration data
- Mail order data
- Thousands of white pages
- Warranty cards, and many other sources
2.3 Million Jobs
AtoZdatabases partners with to provide the #1 job database in the world. obtains job postings by:
- Employers posting direct to their website
- Aggregating from thousands of employers websites
2 Million NEW Businesses
AtoZdatabases 2 million NEW Businesses are compiled from data sources including:
- Secretary of State filings
- New phone connects
200,000 NEW Movers Added Weekly
AtoZdatabases 200,000 NEW Movers Added Weekly are compiled from data sources including:
- Register of deeds records
- New phone connects
50,000 NEW Homeowners Added Weekly
AtoZdatabases 50,000 NEW Homeowners Added Weekly are compiled from data sources including:
- Register of deeds records
1.1 Million Healthcare Professionals
AtoZdatabases 1.1 million Healthcare Professionals are compiled from data sources including:
- State License Filings