3 KEYS to Using AtoZdatabases to connect with hiring managers

1. Add value. The easiest way to do this is to KNOW everything you can about the company. Then review your skills set. Now come up with action steps, ideas for how you can help the company become better. Could you start a blog for them? Do you see a different way for them to provide better customer service? This will require some creative thinking on your part. Use AtoZdatabase’s business database to find out all the facts you can about the company. 2. Be Seen. If you can be seen, be heard. Send an email with how you add value. AtoZdatabases provides contact information for the executives of companies. 3. Ask Good Questions (Networking)
  • Please tell me about your background. How did you get started in the field?
  • What kind of preparation is typical to get into this field? Is it required, or just the typical approach?
  • What was the biggest surprise or challenge when you went into this field or career?
  • What is your typical day or week like?
Kushell, Jennifer. Your Success Network. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Oct 2012. https://ysn.com/10-tips-to-turning-your-passion-into-your-career/.
Job Tips – 3 Steps to Get a Job